Wednesday, May 7, 2008

07-05-2008, Tuesday - Sleepless Night

Today I got up very late as usual. Rahul and Sanoop came to my hostel in the evening. Rahul said that we had to prepare the final proposal. I agreed and we started at 8 P.M. It was a little difficult to prepare one, even though one has already been prepared before.

Sanoop and Rahul worked very well that we could prepare a well-organized proposal before the morning, consisting of almost all the details of SUMMIT '08 in 25 pages. I am very happy that I didn't sleep a wink last night and the whole time was dedicated for SUMMIT. Basically, I am a lazy person who always needs a 'pull' from others to get into action. It was very nice to be with both of them, really nice.

Rahul told that I have been using dots (........) very much and it's bad too. However, it's the part of my typing style, but I am trying to change it. Perhaps, this might be my first blog without dots. hehehe....

That's all for today.

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